The advantages of the e-service platform

  • A totally free additional service.
  • Real-time assistance, which drastically reduces the execution time of the intervention.

There are also additional services in the field of advanced maintenance available, which exploit machine process data to populate maintenance calendars and enable predictive maintenance technologies. This way, all customers have access to their digital archive of historical documentation (invoices, technical interventions, transport documents, etc.) and to free training channels.

Download Celada eService

With our innovative app, registered customers can open and manage technical assistance tickets, even simply by scanning the QR code located on the machines. You can also calculate cutting parameters for machining with chip removal.

Celada provides technical assistance with a high quality standard by professionals and technicians in the sector.

Celada provides technical assistance with a high quality standard by professionals and technicians in the sector.

Excellent products and continuous training. Celada is the trusted partner you were looking for.